Friday, 28 September 2012

Song Inspirations

By Chance (You and I) by JRA  
This was one of my song inspirations that got me to go for the genre:country. JR Aquino, also known as djkeeno (on Youtube), is from Anchorage Alaska. He has been singing since he was “knee-high.” He writes his own lyrics and melodies and was on American Idol Season 4, and made it to the top 44. Although his typical genre is not really country but more of the lines of pop, r&b and soul, nonetheless it still inspired me to take on these cliche love songs. The reason why this song inspired me, was mainly because the song was the typical 'Boy loves girl'  and it made thought the idea of having both the male and female character looking at their picture album whilst they reminisce or flashbacks of when and how they first met. From these pictures it shows a timeline of events and within these events we see the main character chasing after the 'Hard to get' girl.

Forever and Always by Parachute
This was also another song I recently heard of, right after finding Kiss Me Slowly by Parachute. The song inspired me more to proceed with Kiss Me Slowly, as I gathered the same concept of having the female character having a tough time with her relationship with the lead character because of her own problems. But I had a slight different direction for this song. The main idea I had for this song was rather different. I wanted to become literal with the lyrics because they were straight forward. The idea for this song was a marriage theme and keeping the concept of flashback, but this time a flashforward to the future. For example, of them having kids or having arguments. I wanted to use the idea of main title and lyric 'Always and Forever' that no matter the worse they go through, they would always still be together. This gives out a positive moral to the audience that, you shouldn't fight over something so small and think about the good.

By Julius Conmigo

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