Alecia Bet Moore was born in September 8, 1979, stage name Pink (P!nk) is an American singer and songwriter. Pink was originally in a R&B girl group called Choice for three years, she eventually released her first single "There You Go" in 2000, from her debut album Can't Take Me Home. Her style pretty much changed after a few songs from an R&B to a more Pop/Dance-Rock. You can tell by the lyrics as well as the visuals.

From her earliest videos, There You Go back in 2000, you can tell her style and genre was R&B. You can deduce this due to various conventions in the music video. The most typical conventions were the props and mise-en-scene. 0:27s into the video, she wears what seems to be a golden furcoat (Golden colours usually connote wealthiness), pink revealing top and black patterned bottoms, indicating her glamourous style. The setting is placed at a skatepark/basketball court. You can also see that she dances in some parts of the video, mainly during the first half. She's also seen wearing a white and red outfit, again implying her wealthy and glamarous life-style. She rides a black motorbike, through a window - this could possibly mean that she is rather dominant and takes control of the situation. At the end of the video she is with a masculine man riding in a black car. This shows her masculine part of herself, as she seen as being rebellious, which is unusual for a typical female as normal feminine females wouldn't do such things. She also has a pink-short hair which seems a bit masculine too, showing her 'Rock-genre' style.These are example of stereotypical conventions you would expect from an R&B music video, as it associates with the hood-life or glamarous style and back then many female R&B artist we're displayed as sexual figures, especially for the Male Gaze. Another example would be Beyonce back in her 2000s.

P!nk's style gradually changed after a few songs that she made. P!nk's third single from 'Missundaztood' (second album) in june 2002, she released a song called "Just Like a Pill" which is now more of a pop rock. The song is about dealing with getting out of painful relationships, with a subtheme about drug abuse. In the music video, she takes a more darker, and gothic/rock like approach, as she's seen in a black outfit, slightly revealing, keeping that sense of sexual display of her. The music video is much more surreal as It consisted a lot of transitions and throughout the videos there are various events that happen.

For example in 1:07 there's a man wearing a top hot in a garden, seemingly looking creepy and absurd, additionally the unusual figure has a skull make-up, probably to represent death in a way as relationship and drugs can portray the sense of depression.

Furthermore in 1:23 she wears a much revealing white clothing looking like bandages, whilst the audience sees, what looks to be like, butterflies flying upwards into the camera. This is to give that sense of 'Drugs' making things seem as if you're hallucinating or your surroundings are unusual. Then further on in 2006 album, 'I'm not dead', her song 'Stupid Girls' she was portrayed in many different personas. There was a great contrast between stupid and ambitious female individuals. The genre was now more of a Funk/pop/R&B but then it didn't have the stereotypical R&B style back then. The conventions were more modern, seen in everyday life. Finally her recent song 'Blow me (One last kiss)' , she was back again portrayed as being the rebellious rockstar she really is.

In a lot of Pink's music videos, her costumes and hairystyle has a sense of 'edge' on them. Pink's style is rather punk to represent and emphasise her rock genre. For example her music video 'Raise Your Glass', she is seen wearing many costumes, but overall her costumes resembles her other costumes and we can deduce that her style is very obvious to the audience. For example in Figure1 she has a edgey look - huge black eye make up, maroon lips and faux hawk. In this costume she looks very in-control and dominant as the stereotypical female would not wear such outfit, overall making her look really masculine. Figure 2, she also wears black clothing. This is to further imply the superiority, dominance and style she has. Finally Figure 3 and 4, they still look raggedy and punk but it still keeps that sense of feminity in her specific style while also seeing that she has 'Girl Power'. This supports her star image as fans continue to recognise and familiarise themselves with her style - as being a punky female star.
Throughout music videos of Pink or any other music videos. It is noticeable that the majority of the camera is focused onto the star. Since a lot of people watch these videos on youtube or on their gadgets such as iPhones or iPads, the stars are usually seen in close-up shots, in a tight frame so that we are able to see them in such small screens. But there also times, where she is portrayed in a lot of fast pace editing that goes with the music, which reflects on her style as being crazy and spontaneous, since her personality is being the rock-chic type. This also presents her imagery - in ways we can see how she dresses as she has a lot of these personas (especially on Stupid Girls and the contrast between the Desirable, yet stupid girls and the Masculine, Alpha and Ambitious females).

P!nk has a more rebellious, masculine and over-powering attitude. She seems dominant in her latest music videos for example 'Blow me (One last kiss)' In the beginning of the video, she is seen on a date in de-saturated colours - implying that is set back likely in the 60's, soon after her date picks up a call - implying that he has another woman and all of a sudden she splashes red wine onto his face. This implies a lot of girl power and control, as well as the evolution of women throughout the years - in ways what they were before and what they would be like now. e.g. strong and independent. Close to the end of the music video a huge red heart explodes from the sky and rains on the wedding, whilst Pink is wearing a black outfit and seen in happiness whilst the rest of the people from the wedding are wearing white and seen in distraught and stress. This implies that Pink has that sense of 'Girl Power' and individualism as she stands out from the crowd.
In conclusion to this essay, P!nk's personality hasn't really change, but has change in terms of her genre. In all the videos I have seen, she still keeps the sense of masculinity, independent strong female but her style in music has change. From being r&b, pop to a more rock-chic. She has represented herself more crazy, fun and free i.e. edgey clothing and make up, and dominant attitude with a lot of Girl Power.
This has happened to a lot of artists including, incredibly famous stars such as Britney Spears, Beyonce or Avril Lavigne
By Julius Conmigo