Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Filming Schedule

This table shows my filming schedule for the music video I will be making. The practice shoots were done on the 5/12/12 before filming the music video. The practice shoots I did will personally help me prepare as I will be starring in my own music video. Within this time I was practicing my lip-synching and acting, which is vital to making a music video real. 7th of December is when I start filming for my real one, I first started off filming at my house and the cemetery at St Anne’s as Agata, my actress, was busy on that day.
Update on 14/12/12 – Agata could not make it since she has to film for another colleague’s music video since she is starring in two, including mine. Additionally, me and Mumina has become sceptical of the cable car idea since, per ride is £3. Considering the amount of time we film, we might have to do a few rides to get the right amount of footage we want. We’re still discussing and our alternate idea was to probably go near Tate Moderns bridge, where could film the scene.
Update on 16/12/12 – The Tate Modern Bridge scene was cancelled and instead we thought of doing it at canary wharf.

By Julius Conmigo

Thursday, 29 November 2012

Target Audience

Intro: I created a target audience section to my blog to help me target my music video to. It becomes easy for me so I know who to expect to watch my video as well as, who to sell to. I added 5 sub headings and added a paragraph of a description of who they will be like, the job they have, interests in music, life ambitions and ideologies.

Age – 15-25
Gender – Females

Interests and Hobbies
My target audience enjoys spending time with friends either casually hanging out, dining or watching cinemas during the weekends, implying that my target audience are very social-able group. Other than socialising, they have keen interest in music, although they haven’t got a particular favourite in a music genre, but more of an all-rounder. Any song/genre that has a good beat/tune or meaning is appealing to their ears. Although with movies different people within my target audience has different views on movies. Furthermore they have a wide variety of interests in different hobbies, such as reading, art, designing etc. The majority of people as my target audience will likely have a creative personality.  Shops such as H&M, Forever21, Zara and Topshop are very popular within my target audience; this suggests they have a very good fashion sense and good taste for clothing. Although they’re rather individual themselves, some may even like Indie-fashion from Urban Outfitters. Overall my target audience pretty much has an adventurous personality; they enjoy a lot of things.

Aspirations in life
My target audience have somewhat a future dream in life, whether it is in fashion, art or music. Some are not too keen in going University and may consider apprenticeships. My target audience are not alpha females, they aren’t too ambitious nor lethargy, but in between. They want to live in life relaxed lifestyle.

This is both aimed for audience with and without a job. Half of my audience prefer getting money through jobs but the other half are rather laid back and living in their teen lifestyle.

Music is a big impact in their life. They listen to music on their phones daily, whether studying, going-out, on a job or even in the gym. However the majority of people in my target audience do not really have a specific favourite in a music genre. They enjoy all genres and artists as long as it’s appealing and good to their ears, although I suspect they dislike Heavy-Metal.

My target audience are careful in ways they spend their money either on clothes or gadgets. They feel that saving up is right and spending it during the right times such as sales or promotions. So in order for them to purchase the product for both teenagers and young adults the price would be in a range of £5 consisting an eye-catching digi-pack/cover and compositions of images and words.

By Julius Conmigo

Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Props for Music Video

These are the props that I will be using for my video. The guitar is the most important prop out all of them, it will be used throughout the whole music video, which will be played by me, this further emphasises the genre as it is country/pop. This is my mother's guitar which is extremely helpful as I don't have to borrow it from someone or the school. Furthermore the other props are the flower - there will be a part in the video where I place a flower in her hair, which is a typical romantic thing do, it also be used at the end of the video, where he places the same flower at her grave. Lastly the last prop is the letter, which we three times in the music video.

Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Actress and Actor Profile


Name : Agata Tyburska
          Age : 17
          Nationality : Polish
          Job : Waitress
          Aspiration : Tattoo Artist

My actress for my music video is Agata, she was the first and last person I came to, since I knew she was comfortable in front of the camera, and I was looking for someone at my year. Also because I am comfortable working with her as she is a close friend

Name : Julius Conmigo
Age : 17
Nationality : Filipino
Job : None
Aspiration: Interior Designer

For my music video, I used myself as the lead actor. In fact, I was going to choose one of my colleagues, Scott Broadis, although he fit the role, he was busy swimming everyday for after school classes. I then had another colleague, Antonino Russo. However, I was a bit skeptical and thought that he didn't fit the role. 

So I asked people what they thought, they said they would visualized me being in the video. This makes it easier for me, so at least I don't have to depend on so much people being on a specific place at the specific time. Furthermore I was able to guide my actress what to do and how to do it, as I visualized of what would happen in a specific situation. 
By Julius Conmigo

Emailing my Actress

I emailed my actress, Agata Tyburska, asking her if she would like to participate for my music video. Easily enough, straight away she gladly accepted the oppurtunity. I specifically asked her as she used to model for a while and been in a music video before, so I am sure that she is confident with playing the certain role for the music video. I sent her the video of my animatic story board, so she can get a rough idea of what she has to do in the video. I also contacted her through iMessage which will allow me and her to communicate instantly. In case she cannot make a day or I have to re-schedule

By Julius Conmigo

Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Location Request - St Anne's Limehouse Church - Email to the Reverend

On the images above, you can see that I emailed the Reverend of St Anne's Limehouse Church, asking permission to use their grounds for our A2 Media Project. I chose this location because the atmosphere and the layout of the foreground was really appealing for the music video and it seems appropriate. Luckily they replied quickly, and they accepted our request but for a few conditions that he listed on the second image above.

Monday, 15 October 2012

Pictures of Locations

Canary Wharf (Changed from Cable Car)
Art room
My House
                                                                       Agata's Room
Millwall Park


This is a resource list that is done by Mumina Begum. This list allows to ensure the essential equipment that we currently have and also the costume and props that we could use for the music video. For example - the costume tells us that we should wear clothes that are appropriate for winter, such as scarves, boots etc.

By Julius Conmigo

Sunday, 14 October 2012

Risk Assessment and Recce of Locations

Risk Assessment of Locations
I created a Risk Assessment for each locations that me and my colleague will be filming in. Making a risk assessment becomes helpful to us, in order to avoid casualities to both the production and the people who will be participating creating the music video. At the last collumn, I created a sub heading called "Control Measures" and from this, wrote how we can avoid it as a group.

 Recce of Locations
Recce of Locations allowed me to foresee what the casualities could happen to the production from the main areas that me and my colleague are going to film in. From these possible issues, we made plans of how we are going to avoid each casuality, this becomes helpful to avoid jeopardising the filming.

By Julius Conmigo

Saturday, 13 October 2012

Minutes of Meeting - no:1 - Planning

This is a minutes of meeting that me and my colleague created. I did the note taking and together as a team we discussed the issues that could come across when planning the music video. From the issues, we made solutions to each issue and what we could take into action. Finally who will be responsible for it and when the deadline should be met.
By Julius Conmigo

Friday, 12 October 2012

Shooting Script 2

Mid-shot of the lead singer on the left side of the camera
2:00 – 2:02

Mid-shot of the back of the female looking outside the window
2:03 – 2:05

High angle shot, long-shot looking down at the female reading the letter
2:06 – 2:09

High angle, long-shot looking down at the female crying
2:10 – 2:12

Long-shot of the lead singer then he walks towards the camera
2:13 – 2:15

Extreme long-shot of the lead singer walking from the back
2:16 – 2:18

Long-shot of the female sitting down at the table, about to write a letter
2:19 – 2:22

Mid-shot of the lead singer performing, playing the guitar
2:23 – 2:25

Long-shot of the lead singer singing and playing the guitar from the side
2:26 – 2:28

Mid-shot of the lead singer performing, playing the guitar
2:29 – 2:32

Long-shot of the lead singer singing and playing the guitar from the side
2:33 – 2:35
 Flash back occurs at the finish of the performance to indicate its set in reality again
Mid-shot of the female sitting at the table stressed and writing a letter
2:36 – 2:38

Mid-shot of the female posting a letter in the post box
2:39 – 2:41

Mid-shot of the lead singer performing, playing the guitar
2:42 – 2:45

High angle shot of the female packing her bags
2:46 – 2:49

Mid-shot of the female closing the luggage lid
2:50 – 2:53
 Fade to black at 2:53 to show another event is occurring and emphasise the line 'Go' as if someone is leaving
Long-shot of the lead singer running the front door of his house to collect a letter
2:54 – 2:57

Close-up of the lead singer reading the letter
2:58 – 3:02

High angle shot of the letter
3:03 – 3:07

Long-shot of the lead singer leaving his house and starts running on the pavement
3:08 – 3:12

Extreme long-shot of the lead singer still running
3:13 – 3:15

Close-up of the lead singers face remembering a quick memory of the female
3:16 – 3:18
 Fade to white at 3:18 to indicate it is another flashback
Close-up of the female laughing
3:19 – 3:22
 Another fade to white to indicate a flashback
Long shot of the lead singer and the female walking together
3:23 – 3:25
 Fade to white to imply it is set back in reality
Long shot of the lead singer running towards the train station
3:26 – 3:28

Close-up of the lead singer looking around for the female
3:29 – 3:32

Mid-shot of the lead singer performing, playing the guitar
3:33 – 3:36

High angle shot of the train tracks
3:37 – 3:40

Mid-shot of the lead singer waving at the female on the other side of the platform. The female is shown with a extreme long-shot
3:41 – 3:43

Mid-shot behind the lead singer looking at the train that is passing
3:44 – 3:46

Mid-shot behind the lead singer looking at the other side of the platform. The female character has disappeared
3:47 – 3:49

Close-up of the lead singer with a tear dropping down his face
3:50 – 3:52

Close-up of the lead singers foot walking
3:53 – 3:55

High angle over the shoulder shot of the lead singer looking down at a grave stone
3:56 – 3:58

Close-up of a piece of paper saying ‘Cancer Positive’
3:59 – 4:02

Extreme close-up of the lead singers face with a tear drop falling down his face
4:03 – 4:05

Made by Julius Conmigo

Shooting Script 1

Panning shot going to the right, slowly
0:08 – 0:14
A slight high angle shot ( to show she’s vulnerable )

0:14 –
Close up shot of the singer

Eye-line shot of the window
Mid-shot of the singer coming towards the camera

Close-up shot of holding hands

Extreme close-up shot of their faces

Long-shot of the couples walking together
Low-angle from the side

Mid-shot of singer

Mid-shot of the singer + eye-line shot of the singer looking at her.

a slight low angle shot of showing the front of them + eye-line shot of them pointing at the night

Mid shot again for their backs. Then camera tilts up to the night sky.

Mid shot of singer

Close-up of singer

Two-shot of the couple, pointing at the skyline and moon in the cable car

Close up shot of Actor looking down at the actress

Two Shot; The camera is showing from the cameras perspective. A slight sense of voyuerism

1:12  - 1:17
Longshot of Actor playing the guitar
Close up of actor playing the guitar
Goes back to a long shot

It fades to white at 1:30 to imply the performance stops and goes back to reality
Close up of Actor looking at picture (eyeline shot)
Long shot of Actor: Sitting in his bed looking at pictures of him and his girlfriend

Another fade to white occurs to imply that he's looking into the pass again
Two shot: The couple are seen painting together
Panning shot from left to right: They are reading/looking at a photo album

it fades to black at 1:49 to indicate its in a new scene
Long and Two shot: Couple are fighting and telling the boyfriend to leave her alone.

Two Shot: The couple are shown either side of the room


Made by Julius